Building a closet style tool shed is a fairly straightforward project. Integrating it into its site holds some hidden design problems. more
An examination of goals, strategies, and difficulties including a detailed case study. more
Inspired by the Unplugged Woodworkers Facebook group, I decided to try a traditional wood carving project; a spoon. more
This 2 month project naturally took 6 months. Here's the story of the creation of the scroll, Why did the chicken cross the road more
Cari Ferraro has requested a box to contain her paired artist's books Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer more
A meander through of the problems and possibilities in writing for, and creating book art more
This video shows the way Amending Self opens, and giving a brief summary of its origin and content. more
Bring your own voice to your book art works. In 3 days over 3 weeks you'll gain an extensive framework of principles, tools, and techniques allowing you to infuse your work with new dimensions. more
What do Star Trek and Atul Gawande have in common? more
A bit of humorous verse for my friends in Portland OR more
Choices are easy enough. Consequences though; there's the rub. more
Enhanced lighting for layout and positioning plus a quick and dirty light table. Don't put that phone away! more