Excerpt from the Afterword of Forecast, the fourth book of the One Poem Series:
The protagonist in both Kate Jordahl and Carol Henries's narratives is light. The pair tells a cold winter's tale of sun seated low on the horizon. The shadows are long at dusk or dawn and stutter at noon. Jordahl's images are infused with spirit but are calmed by earthen hues. For Henrie, the twilight woods are active and stars sail.
In both poem and photographs the artist acts as witness. No other human is in sight but presence is implied. A mention of a celestial map suggests a winter traveler. A trampled path and tire tracks add chance to order.
Paula Tognarelli

Photographs by Kate Jordahl
Poem by Carol Henrie
Afterword by Paula Tognarelli
Mono Tree The silver gelatin print included in Forecast

< Book 3: Wild Geese | Book 5: Here >
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