Shooting this miniature book for submission to the Popup II Show at Sandy Gallery in 2016 presented a bit of a challenge. The book is just 2" x 3" and doesn't open freely on its own because it is a flip book. So, how to get good photos of the interior? As you can see, I made a wire bracket from copper electrical wire.

Here are the details.

I started out with a length of Romex electrical wire. I think this is 14 gauge. My first idea was to have the bracket hold the spine open by reaching over the top of the front and back of the book. So, this first length was appropriately short.

I pulled the grounding wire out of the bundle. The cut end is a bit of a hazard to the pages so it needs to be filed off.

Here is the result of some filing and a little touch with some 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper. This shouldn't scratch the pages.
Now it's just a matter of doing a little layout, bending it to shape, and trying it out.

I didn't really like to result of this version though. So a quick redesign and another version.

That looked much better to me.