The One Poem Series is a collaboration between Kate Jordahl and Don Drake. The series contains 6 books created over three years. Each book is a dialog between one poem from a selected living poet and series of photographs from Kate's 40 year body of work.

The Books
- Book 1: Elementary Geography
- Book 2: Crystal Day
- Book 3: Wild Geese
- Book 4: Forecast
- Book 5: Here
- Book 6: End
Edition Sizes
The hard bound edition is limited to 100 signed, numbered copies. Each of the 6 books in this edition include one hand printed silver gelatin print from the book.
The paper bound edition is limited to 300 signed, un-numbered copies.
There are 400 unbound sheet sets available. Unbound sheets are un-signed and un-numbered.
There are several options for purchasing the limited edition One Poem Books.
You may subscribe to either the hard bound ($190/year) or paper bound edition ($65/year). Your subscription will bring you 2 books per year for 3 years. The first book will arrive in the month your subscription begins, with the second book arriving six months later. This pattern will continue to the end of series (book 6).
Hard Bound Edition Subscription $190/year (USD)
2 signed, numbered books per year for 3 years.
Each book includes one silver gelatin print from the book.
Paper Bound Edition Subscription $65/year (USD)
2 signed books per year for 3 years
Single Books
You may purchase any single book. Single hard bound copies are $125 each. Single paper bound copies are $35 each.
Hard Bound Edition, Single Book $125 (USD)
Signed and numbered.
Includes one silver gelatin print from the book.
Paper Bound Edition, Single Book $35 (USD)
Unbound Sheets
Book binders or book artists may purchase unbound page sets of any single book for $15 or may buy the full 6 book set for $60. Shipping is included inside the continental USA. California sales tax may apply.
Each book is a single gathering of folios that will fold down to a page size of 5" x 6.25". The pages are already trimmed at the head and tail but the fore edge remains to be trimmed. Contact Don for more details.
Unbound sheets, Single Book $15 (USD)
Unbound Sheets, All Six Books $60 (USD)