A detail view of Don Drake's binding of the Bay Area Book Artists' (BABA) collaborative project, AlphaBeastiary, showing the goat, snake, and alligator leather.

An interior view of Don Drake's binding of the Bay Area Book Artists' (BABA) collaborative project, AlphaBeastiary, showing the 'X' page (Xantuss' Murrlet). This page was created and printed by Cindy Lee.

An interior view of Don Drake's binding of the Bay Area Book Artists' (BABA) collaborative project, AlphaBeastiary, showing the 'R' page (rooster). This page was created and printed by Rae Trujillo.

An interior view of Don Drake's binding of the Bay Area Book Artists' (BABA) collaborative project, AlphaBeastiary, showing the block printed endpapers he created for the project.

Don Drake's binding of the Bay Area Book Artists' (BABA) collaborative project, AlphaBeastiary, showing the goat, snake, and alligator leather.